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DNA Sequencing
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    » Oligonucleotides
    » Mutagenesis
    » SNP Discovery
    » Custom Gene Synth

Quality Assurance
Since its inception, Retrogen has been dedicated to customer satisfaction. We handle both large and small projects while providing expert technical advice. Our highly experienced technical staff will help you determine the strategy that best suits your particular needs. If you are not completely satisfied with the results after consultation with the laboratory director, the process will be repeated at no additional charge.

Repeat Policy

f you request that a failed reaction be repeated with different primers, new DNA, or special conditions, Retrogen will bill you for a new reaction. If samples consistently fail, Retrogen will repeat one failed reaction to confirm reactions were initially set up correctly. The following are examples of such cases:
  • The same template fails with different primers or the same primers.
  • Results are inconsistent with the same template and different primers, i.e. some succeed and others fail.
  • A particular primer consistently fails with multiple templates.

For 96-well plates, Retrogen uses automated procedures to set up reactions. For optimal results submit DNA concentrations that are consistent throughout the plate. For plasmid DNA, the concentration should be submitted at approximately 0.2 ug/ul. For PCR products, concentration should be submitted at approximately 0.02 ug/ul. Please refer to Submission Template Requirements for more information.

Since sequencing procedures for 96-well plates are automated, we cannot optimize conditions for each well. For 96-well plates that fail to meet an 85% success rate in accordance with Retrogen's QC/QA criteria, 1ul of 8 randomly picked samples will be run out on an agarose gel. After inspection of DNA concentration and quality, Retrogen will determine whether to repeat the reactions. If the repeated reactions are successful, the remainder of the failed reactions will also be repeated. Customer satisfaction is very important to us. Retrogen has a great deal of experience in sequencing difficult templates. If your DNA contains a GC-rich region, repetitive sequence, or secondary structure, contact Retrogen for information and pricing. In addition, feel free to contact customer service with any questions concerning our repeat policy or troubleshooting.


Retrogen guaranties the complete confidentiality of all client information, project data, and biological samples. We provide a confidentiality agreement for each customer stating that Retrogen will not disclose any data or other information concerning the DNA samples to be sequenced to third parties, without prior express written approval from the client.

DNA Sequencing
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