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New Customer Registration
Step 1  Apply for FREE Retrogen Account Step 2  Confirm your Email Step 3  Access to Members Console

Please note: This registration page is for MANAGERS only.
If you are lab-tech(working under a manager), please request your manager to invite you to open a retrogen account.

Complete this form to order direct!

Once registered, you can quickly and easily purchase Retrogen products online. All information is confidential. If you have any questions about this registration, call Customer Service at 1-800-RETROGEN

  Login Information

Retrogen ID:
Please use only letters and numbers (without any space in between)
Must be six characters or more
Re-type Password:
Choosing your ID

You will use this information to access Retrogen services each time.

  Password Retrieval

If you forget your password or need help with your account, you'll need to confirm the following information:
Security Question:
Your Answer:
(Month DD, YYYY)
Your email:
Please provide a valid email.
Re-type your email:
Please re-type your email.
Recalling your password

This information is our only way to verify your identity. To protect your account, make sure "Your Answer" is memorable for you but hard for others to guess!

  Contact Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Name of the Institution:
Type of Institution:
Principal Investigator
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone / Extension:
Professional Profile

Providing your contact information will enable you to receive account-related offers targeted to your areas of specialty and professional interests.

  Billing Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Company Name
address line 1 *
Office / Suite
City *
State *
Zipcode *
Phone Number *
Country *
  Shipping Information

check here if shipping address is same as billing or enter in new address below.

first name *
last name *
company name
address line 1 *
address line 2
city *
state *
zip/postal code *
phone number *

  Membership Benefits
  I would like to recieve technical updates from Retrogen. View our Privacy Policy.
  Yes   No

  I wish to be enrolled in the Retrogen's Reward Loyalty Program (coming soon).
  Yes   No

  Terms & Conditions
  Please take a few minutes to read and accept Retrogen's Terms & Conditions.

   I Agree to the terms & conditions